Hallo my Cloudy Bois! Here are all the links you'll ever need! COMMISSIONS HERE X

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ COMMISSION INFO ₊✩°。⋆˚⁺

⟡ Before commissioning, please make sure to read my terms of service

Reference Page

Includes:⟡ Front and Back full body images
⟡ Simple shading
⟡ Close up of 1-2 accessories
⟡ Simple color or patterned background

Price:⟡ 50$

Add-Ons:⟡ Extra Outfit 20$
⟡ Full body Chibi 20$
⟡ Extra close ups of accesories 5$ per
⟡ Complex Background 50$

Full Body

Includes:⟡ 1 Full body image in the shading of your choice
⟡ Simple color or patterned background
⟡ Transparent background alt image

Price:⟡ No Shading 40$
⟡ Full shading 50$
⟡ Painted Shading 70$

Add-Ons:⟡ Extra Fullbody 20$ per
⟡ Complex Background 50$

Half Body

Includes:⟡ 1 Half body image in the shading of your choice
⟡ Simple color or patterned background
⟡ Alt image with transparent background

Price:⟡ No Shading 35$
⟡ Full shading 40$
⟡ Painted Shading 45$

Add-Ons:⟡ Extra Half body 15$ per
⟡ Complex Background 50$


Includes:⟡ 1 Headshot image in the shading of your choice
⟡ Simple color or patterned background
⟡ Alt image with transparent background

Price:⟡ No Shading 25$
⟡ Full shading 30$
⟡ Painted Shading 35$

Add-Ons:⟡ Extra Headshot 10$ per
⟡ Complex Background 50$

⋆⑅˚₊ Terms of Service ⋆⑅˚₊

—ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ —

⟡ Do not use commissioned art pieces with ai to produce new or altered images. I will request a takedown of such violations. This applies to gifted or traded art as well.⟡ Do not try to claim authorship of commissioned art.⟡ I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason.⟡ I reserve the right to cancel and refund a commission for any reason. If the order is cancelled/refunded, you will not have the rights to any work in progress images made previously unless otherwise specified. Any violations may end in a takedown request.⟡ Payment is made upfront either with PayPal or Kofi. If you need another payment arrangement, we can discuss options.⟡ If the commission is in a halfway or nearly complete state, a requested refund would be half the original price. You may be entitled to the wip art in this case.⟡ Do not use my art to support bigotry/hate.⟡ PayPal transactions are done via invoices. Please to not request to send money, I will send the invoice as soon as possible after the commission is decided.⟡ Do not sell a partial or finished commission for more than you paid for it.⟡ Commercial use is not included unless otherwise specified. If you'd like commercial use, there may be an additional fee.
